Armos: Found in the Stone Tower Temple, this statue-like monstrosities require some provoking to make them turn on you. Once they do, a Goron Punch or a couple of slashes will bring them down.
Bad Bat: Found in Termina Field, Southern Swamp, and most oudoor areas, these annoying creatures swoop down on you. block them with your shield, then one slash will destroy them.
Beamos: Stone Tower and Stone Tower Temple are the homes for these strange monsters. Throw a bomb at their feet while avoiding its laser beam. When its head flies off, avoid its explosive capabilities.
Big Octo: Southern Swamp is where these guys are found. They block of a couple of tunnels, and are very dangerous. Take them down at a distance with the bow.
Bio Deku Baba: These guys lurk in three places; Great Bay Temple, Stone Tower Temple and Termina Field. When you meet them, try and shoot them in the stomache with your bow. If that fails, take them on in combat. They are not as hard as Tatl makes them out to be, provided you keep your defense up and dispose of them quickly.
Black Boe: Black Boes are in both Woodfall and Stone Tower Temples, and also lurk beneath the well. They aren't hard, and are defeated with one sword strike. They hunt in packs though, so be careful.
Blue Bubble: These creatures are found around the Ikana Region, and also in the Stone Tower Temple. If one of them manages to touch you, you'll be unable to draw your sword for about 3 minutes (our time). Take them on from a distance with the bow, although a couple of sword slashes will dispose of them.
Blue Chuchu: This guy is found in the Great Bay Temple, and has absolutely nothing in it's belly that's of use to you. But when conveniently frozen with an ice arrow, he makes a great stepping block.
Blue Tektite: They jumping spiders are found in the Snowhead area, and are rather annoying. Watch for their jumps, time accordingly, and then attack twice to defeat them.
Death Armos: The Death Armos is only found in the Stone Tower Temple, and is an annoying variation of the regular armos. It has a panel that when hit with a light arrow, causes them to try and jump at you. Dodge it, and they die.
Deep Python: Found in Pinnacle Rock, these snake-like beats reside in large caves. Swim in front of them, then quickly duck out of the way and swim into them with a Zora Link barrier attack. Two hits should defeat one.
Deku Baba: These are found all over Woodfall and the surrounding areas. They lurk in the ground like plants, but when you walk past, they sprout up and lunge at you with snapping jaws. Two hits sees them off. If you defeat it while it is standing upright, you recieve a deku stick. Otherwise, you'll get a deku nut.
Desbreko: These large skullfish are found in Gerudo Fortress and Great Bay Temple. They are a giant bone fish, surrounded by a swarm of smaller skullfish. Take them down with a barrier attack or Zora Link's Boomerang attack.
Dixiehand: These annoyingly good things are found in Great Bay Temple, Stone Tower Temple, and beneath the well. They are wraith-like hands that grasp from walls, trying to grab you. If they succeed, you'll be tossed away from your target. Take them down with the boomerang attack, or a barrier attack.
Dodongo: These guys aren't at all friendly - it's lucky they only lurk in Termina Field! Send bombs at them from afar, or attack their backside. Watch out for their firey breath, and spikey tail attacks.
Dragonfly: These are found all around Woodfall, in the Woodfall Temple, and in Stone Tower Temple. Take them down in a variety of ways - with the bow, deku bubble attack, or if a deku flower is near, wait until they get over the top of you, then burrow in. Launch up at them to destroy them.
Eeno: These snowmen-like creatures are found in Termina Field during the night, and in Snowhead Temple. They throw annoying snowballs at you. The larger ones split into three smaller ones when destroyed. A simple barrage of sword slices will destroy them, or a well timed goron punch.
Fire Keese: These firey fiends will fly at you from above, in both the Stone Tower Temple and beneath the well. If they hit you, you'll take damage from the fire and the keese's bite. If you don't hit it soon after it attacks, it re-lights itself and lunges in again.
Freezard: These are particularly annoying, because they blow out a huge gust of ice, which freezes you. This guy looks like a giant chess piece. Found in the Snowhead Temple.
Garo Warrior: A dead ninja who wishes to claim your life. He fights with a sword, and is quick on his feet. When versing this fellow, use your shield lots. Found in the Stone Tower Temple.
Giant Bee: Found in Mountain Village after you thaw it out, it's best to avoid these flying fiends. They aren't hard to defeat, just time-consuming and pointless. Just slash and block, and they'll hit the deck before you can say "mywhatanannoyingpieceofbeeyouarei'lljusthavetoslashyouandblockandslashandblockandslashandblockand........"
Gibdo: Remember these guys from Ocarina of Time, down the Royal Family's tomb? I do. They look like a mummy, and gaze at you. When they do this, you becoming paralized. The gibdo uses this pause to rap around your head, and then proceeds to suck out your brain, thus rendering your cerebal cortex useless. You die if you let them do this for a while. Duh. They are found in Ikana Village.
Gold Skulltula: If you've played Ocarina of Time, you'll know these guys better than you know Link. Kill them for tokens. They are small golden spiders. You'll find them in either of the Houses of Skulltula.
Green Chuchu: See "Blue Chuchu". These are found in Hyrule field. Their bellies contain a magic jar, or if your magic meter is full, a magic jar! Woah!
Guay: Again, these crows are from OoT. They swoop down at you, much like the "Keese", as stated below. It is rumoured that Guay enjoy music.... you'll find them in Hyrule Field.
Hiploop: These guys are freakin' psycho's! You've gotta ram them into the nearest patch of water, before they do it to you. Found in the Stone Tower Temple, and Woodfall.
Ice Keese: See "Fire Keese", except they deal ice damage, freeze you, and are found in Snowhead Temple.
Keese: Ditto, but do only normal damage, and are found everywhere.
Leever: From OoT, these guys are green conical shaped demons that travel at great speeds at you, across sandy terrain. They are found on the sand around Great Bay.
Like Like: Gah! Easily the most annoying creature in the game! They suck you in, steal your shield, and spit you out. They are found on the bottom of Great Bay. Approach with caution, attack with caution, and walk away with caution... well... oh, never mind.
Mad Scrub: These deku-looking-blokes are found around Woodfall, and Deku Palace. They are Deku Scrubs gone mad, hence the name. They shoot small seeds at you, which can be easily deflected. Just slash them to finish them off.
Mini Baba: See "Deku Baba". They are a smaller version.
Nejiron: Large monsters which look like curled up Gorons. They are found on the road to Ikana, and in the Stone Tower Temple. When you get near them, they blow up, and it hurts. Alot. Watch out for them.
Octorock: Found in and around the Great Bay Temple and the Woodfall area, these purple critters hang around in the water. When you get too close, they jump out of the water and fire a similar form of ammunition to the mad scrub. You can deflect it right back at them. It works...
Peahat: These guys have made a return from OoT. They look like giant dome shaped, yellow helicopters, that fly on an angle towards you. Just like helicopter rotar-blades, these sharp appendages hurt alot. You have to shoot arrows at at, but not before you deflect it with your shield when it gets too close. This SOB is found in Termina Field, down a secret hole.
Peahat Larvae: Almost the same as above, but one eighth its size! Mwua hua ha! *cough* Sorry about that. These things are smaller than the Peahats, so they don't do as much damage. They are however, around in greater numbers. They surround the mother Peahat, and act as its minions. Its best you defeat these guys before their mother.
Poe: If you've played Ocarina of Time, you'll remember these ghosts very well. They wear purple coats, and fly around in circles. They also carry lanterns which just HAPPEN to leak fire every so often. Anyway, you can arrow these ghostly ghouls when they stop spinning. They're found in Ikana Graveyard, and in the mysterious sage's mini-game.
Real Bomchu: An explosive rodent. Found in the Great Bay Temple, the Road to Ikana, and the Stone Tower Temple, these guys run at you and attempt to blow themselves up in a kamakazi effort to end your life. Just block them with your shield and RUN!
Red Bubble: See "blue bubble", except for the fact that you aren't cursed. It just hurts alot. They normally jump out of lava patches. They are found on the bottom level of Snowhead Temple... My, what a zany location for one to dwell...
Red Chuchu: See "green chuchu", except these odd fellows contain a heart, to refill 1 of your hearts! Whoah! Man! If you are on full health, fortunately (which I ALWAYS am... duh) they at least have the consideration, unlike the "green chuchu" to give you a green rupee. These are found in Termina Field.
Re-dead: See "gibdo", except they aren't covered in bandages. They are found beneath the well, and in the Ikana Graveyard. Watch out for these maticulous monsters. They are sinister, even beyond their grotesque looks and slow, sloth-like movement... Ooh, they make my skin boil these malevolent psychopathic children-stalkers... SOBs they are! I will make sure I kill them all! GAH! *coughs loudly* Sorry, was I think aloud? Woops... Quick, move onto the next enemy!
Shell Blade: These clam-like abberations are found in the Great Bay Temple, and in the Gerudo Fortress. Take them out with a well aimed hookshot blow to the inner fleshy part. But watch out for when they turn their backs to you and charge with spikes forth, because it is quite painful.
Skull-fish: These bony fish often fellow the "dresbreko" around, because they find shelter, or salvation (or something) around them... Well, they are found in Gerudo Fortress, Great Bay Temple, and just about anywhere else where you DON'T want to be annoyed. They charge at you at the last minute, before which they are impossible to see. They don't do much damage, but gee, they piss me off.
Skulltula: Ahh... good old skulltulas! Back from OoT, these spider-like insectoids hang from the ceiling and spin around, hurling you backwards when you get too close. When they come down, let them turn around so that their back is exposed, then leap in with your sword or fire in arrows from afar to bring it down. These are found literally everywhere.
Snapper: These turtle-like psychos have rows of spikes up either side of their shell. They spin around at you and lunge at high speeds. They hurt. You'll need some sort of bombs to flip them on their back, then move in with your sword. They are found in Woodfal Temple, and Great Bay Temple.
Takkuri: Gah! I can't think of a more annoying fellow. This bird hangs around the entrance to Milk Road. Get too close, and it swoops down, and takes either money, a bottle, or your sword, and flies off. If you don't kill it, it will take them to the Curiosity Shop, where you'll have to buy it back again! Whaaa! But if you manage to bring Takkuri down (it takes about 17 shots) you get a 200 rupee reward!
Wallmaster: *whispers* Shhh... If it sees me, it'll drop down from the roof and pick me up, taking me back to the start of the well, which is where they are found. You can tell if it's coming by a shadow which steadily grows larger as it descends. How do you beat it? Well the best tactic is to -- WHAAT!? There's a shadow around me? Oh well, a live demonstration will be much more useful. Wait until it's close... NOW! Roll out of the way, so it drops to the ground, then slash, slash, slash, and its down and out. Whew. Wow! A 50 rupee reward! Sweet!
White Boe: See "black boe", except that they are found in the Snowhead Temple and surrounding areas. They hunt in packs, but one sword strike each should send them back to wherever-the-hell they came from.
White Wolfos: These odd fellows look cooler than they are. They appear to rise out of the ground, around the Woodfall and Mountain Village area, and chase after you. When they strike with their claws, block with your shield, and when they lower their defense move in with your own flurry of blows. If you are quick enough to get around behind it, you can slice at its tail for a one hit KO.
Wolfos: See above, except that they are a metallic colour, and are found around the Woodfall area, and the thawed out Mountain Village. Same tactics, same method, same old brand new wolfos.
Yellow Chuchu: See "red chuchu", except these guys contain arrows in their gelatinous bellies.