Also known as "Zora Link", Mikau is one of Links guises. When wearing the Zora Mask, Link transforms into the lead guitarust of the Indigo-go's, a famous Zora band that are well reknown all over Termina and beyond. Mikau is the tallest, fastest, and most sleek incarnation of Link, and, unsurprisingly the most difficult to control. Below are the controls used to control the wet wonder.
Special Abilities
>Mikau is a Zora, therefor he can easily move through the water like a dolphin, without worrying about losing air. He can also walk along the bottom of a body of water, and carry on as if normal.
>Mikau can create a shield of electricity when either swimming and standing normally.
>Mikau can attack with three chops combined.
>Mikau can fire his arm fins like boomerangs, to stun or damage enemies, or for other purposes.
>Zora's are susceptible to both fire and water, and Mikau is no exception.
Press A in the water to begin swimming swiftly. Moving the control stick changes the direction in which you head.
Attack like a master of judo! Press B for one swipe, and press B 3 times (consecutively) for a 3 hit combo, ending in a powerful kick!
|Electric Shield|
When swimming, create a forcefield of energy by holding R. If on land, hold R then hold B at the same time for the same effect. Watch your magic meter, as this attack quickly drains magic power.
|Dive/Seafloor Stroll|
When swimming on the surface, tap B to sink down to the bottom of the body of water you are in. You can freely walk around, as if you were on land.
|Boomerang Bash|
When in need of a cool weapon, hold B then aim, and release. The result will be a fin flying of from either arm and swooping towards the target. You cannot attack whilst your boomerangs are in the air. When they return to your arms, a quick tap of B will send them off again.
Darmani the Goron Elder
When wearing the Goron Mask, link is tranformed into this Goron Elder, thought to be dead. He is rather fat, and cannot jump, but is still really cool. Look below for instructions on how to use him.
Special Abilities
>You can curl into a ball and roll! Roll, roll, roll! If you roll fast enough, spikes will sprout from you and magic will be consumed.
>When curled, you can jump and pound the ground with amazing force.
>Unleash huge punchesm capable of knocking normal Link into the next world! Good timing can let loose three consecutive attacks.
>Darmani is festively plump, so falling from heights is not too good for him. If put in water, he will sink like a rock, so watch out.
When on land, curl into a ball by holding A. Tilt the control stick to begin moving. After rolling for a small amount of time without hitting any obstacles, Darmani will sprout sharp spikes and roll alot faster. This attack will kill enemies and make you almost invunerable, but magic is consumed while in roll mode.
Darmani is very strong, and tapping B will result in a hugely powerful strike, which leaves a dent in whatever you hit. 3 well-timeds B taps will result in a combo, in this order - punch, uppercut, back strike.
When curled, press B to leap up into the air, and pound down with severe force. This attack is especially good for pounding stuck switches.
Deku Child the Deku Child
Deku Child is what you turn into when wearing the Deku Mask. You are turning into Deku Link by the Skull Kid at the beginning, but you are returned to normal by the Mask Seller Man. Deku Link is not all that strong, and is not treated like an adult, like Mikau or Darmani. But being a child does pay off sometimes. Below are his controls:
Special Abilities
>Deku Link can burrow into Deku Flowers, and fly short distances.
>You can shoot magic bubbles at enemies, but it consumes magic.
>Deku Link can hop 5 times across the water, but after his 5 hops, will plummet down, much like Goron Link.
>Deku Link is susceptible to fire, as it is a plant, more or less.
>Deku Link can't handle falling from heights as well as others.
When running or standing still, tapping A will send you into a spinning attack, which acts not unlike a swor strike from Link.
|Flower Flying|
When standing on top of a Deku Flower as Deku Link, burrow down by holding A, then after the flower releases its yellow gas, release and and tilt the control stick in the direction you wish to glide. You can only fly for a limited amount of time.
|Deku Bomb|
When flying, press B to drop Deku Nuts as bombs. You have a limited supply.
|Water Hopping|
When coming in comtact with deep water, Deku Child will hop across the surface for 5 bounds. To do this, simply tilt the control stick where you want to hop. If you sink, you'll go back to where you came from.
|Bubble Barrage|
When you have magic, holding B will make Deku Link begin the make a bubble. To shoot, release B. Holding B for longer creates larger bubbles that go further, but beware; if you holding B for two long, the bubble will burst, wasting magic and time.