Ok....since this site has seemed to go downhill over the past few months, we declare this site officially dead. That doesn't mean that this will be the last of Me, Erebus and Freets though! Me and Erebus have thought of making another site for artwork, fanfics, and info on my *drum roll* animated movie! It will star familiar characters such as my personal fav, Rajal Tikana! Anyways, I'll be sure to put up the site link once we've got it all done and you'll find more info on my movie I'm creating that I'm hoping to get into theaters. Til some other time, buh byes!
Update: July 24- site is now up! Come and look! DieaRift Creations
Yikes...again....LACK OF UPDATES! >_< Sowwy guys...but hey...I got some news for y'all! the rpg is almost done! YAY! Right now a separate site is being made by Erebus and Freets. Once the site is done, one of us will definately let you all know. Most likely Erebus or freets rather than me though...my family has been a bit topsy turvy during the last few months. Anyways.... no one seems to be sending anything.... =( please do! Either e-mail me, Erebus, or Freets or something! I won't be able to put things up during the week though...sooo... e-mail me at DekuQ@aol.com during the weekdays... and on the weekends...you should know....hehe. Anyways though, don't be shy! Send something in! Or at least visit our sketch board. I'd like to see some of your work! See y'all later! ^o^
NOTE: name the subject of the e-mail "Stuff for Site"
Date: January 15th, 2002
Most of you must be wondering about the lack of updates. What's going on is that me, erebus, and freets are working on an rpg for this site! We will be posting a demo of the game on a separate mini site VERY SOON! Be on the look out.....and plz plz plz send in some art and fanfics or something!
Date: December 16th, 2001
As promised The New Gundam LEGOs have been put up. Please have a look at em, they took a while to make :-P Also, there has been some slight alterations to the Flash Intro. Enjoy!
Date: December 14th, 2001
A new flash intro by Freets has been uploaded. Check it out!
Date: December 10th, 2001
If you've entered the site recently, you'll have noticed the new staring page - now with the promised flash introduction. Over time, the flash intro will improve, but as it stands, I'm not an expert in flash =P Anyway, peace out dudes.
Date: December 9th, 2001
As you can see, something I mentioned last update is now up - the "Staff" section. The flash intro is soon to follow. A new section has also been created by DekuQueen - "Draw & Chat" - give it a look! More to come. Peace out folks.
Date: December 7th, 2001
Well, the school term has passed for me, and I'm into my 9 week holidays! Yahoo! Finally, I can devote time to the site! This is good news for me and the site. Anyway, I felt like updating just to say that I'm NOT dead, and I will do my best to add more to the site over the next few months.
COMING SOON: Flash intro for the site, Staff section, NEW Lego Gundams, and an exclusive RPG for ZEL!
Peace out.
Date: November 27th, 2001
My friend was kind enough to let me put up some of his buddyicons in the BuddyIcons section. Check them out...and be on the look out for somemore updates. ;)
Date: November 24th, 2001
Hello! I'm the new 'other' webmaster of this site that Erebus had mentioned about... I'm sure you all know me from the pics and that one story (which hasn't been updated in awhile...but most likely will be in the future) that I've sent in =). Anyways, you all can email me or Erebus if you wanna send in some stuff. Don't be shy to send in art either! We need more art! I'm also working on the buddy icons, so be on the look out for those. Check out my website in the links section too! I know it looks kinda blah now because it doesn't have a background or any sort of color in the site, but hey I'm workin at that! Well, I'll see you all later!
Date: November 23rd, 2001
We got two new Fan Arts in today from Deku Queen and one by yours truly. Be sure to check them out, and send some of yours in!
Date: November 22nd, 2001
After some hiatis, I am updating. I have cleared the news as you might see as well. Coming soon we'll have some new downloads (including buddy icons), and maybe even another webmaster. It's exciting times here at Z:EL. Be sure to tune in.
Subject:.....@_@ eep...
By: DekuQueen
Subject: We're not dead...just busy!
By: DekuQueen
Subject: Gundams and Flash!
By: ErebusKnight
Subject: New Flash
By: ErebusKnight
Subject: New "Enter" Page
By: Efreit
Subject: Various updates
By: Efreit
Subject: Survival Notice
By: Efreit
Subject: Friends BuddyIcons
By: DekuQueen
Subject: Hello
By: DekuQueen
Subject: Fan Arts Added
By: ErebusKnight
Subject: Starting Anew
By: ErebusKnight