Chapter Two: A New Turn
The last note was played, but nothing seemed to have happened. Zelda turned around and began to speak.
At that very moment she formed the first word on her lips, a pinkish glowing orb shot right out of Zelda's chest, leaving her screaming in shock. Horrified, Link backed away, while the pinkish orb was shooting out it's streams of light towards Zelda. In a matter of moments, a crystalline shell made of that same beautiful pink surrounded her, radiating a very warm air. Link went up to the shell and peered in. Zelda stand motionless, with only the orb glowing inside, next to Zelda's chest. Link was unable to think of what to do. He backed away.
But he had tripped over backwards, landing on the small mound in front of the Main Wall. Only this time, instead of all stone, there was something else. In fact, it looked as if the stone had actually melted, revealing a large, and well made sword. Link went around to the front to take a look at it.
"This thing might break that shell over Zelda." Link thought panicked. It was the only thing he could think of, however lame it might be.
He grabbed the hilt of the mysterious sword, and when he did, a powerful white light surrounded him. In fact, the light was so bright, Link covered his eyes with his arm to shield them. A great warmth came over his body for a few seconds, and then passed. Link uncovered his eyes, his hand still upon the hilt. He drew the sword from the stone
* * *
The light was gone now. Link looked around the room. Zelda was still in her crystalline shell.
"Whatever the hell that was, it sure didn't help" Link mumbled. He went over to Zelda to check to see if she was all right still. Indeed she was exactly the same. Or so he thought.
The glowing orb was gone, replaced by something Link could not make out. At this Link did a double take. Link hadn't noticed it before. Upon closer inspection to the shell, Link's sword was glowing white.
Link sighed "What's with all this glowing stuff?"
With each second passed the sword grew brighter and warmer, until it became too hot to touch. Link held on to it for as long as he could, but to no avail. He let loose of the hilt. But the sword did not drop to the floor with a clang. Instead it stayed in the air, levitating for some time. At first Link wasn't sure what was happening.
But he had a revelation: "It's melting the crystal!" he thought, now excited that Zelda would be okay.
Link was right too: the sword melted the crystal within a minute, leaving Zelda failing to the floor along with her now not unknown item.
* * *
Zelda awoke with Link's face right before her. She gasped.
"What happened?" she said confused
"Well... it's hard to explain. Where do I start?"
"How 'bout right when that freaky pink thing shot out of me." Zelda tried to be 'sassy' but to no avail. She was rather shaken up, as was Link
"All right." Link humored her, and told her what transpired.
"That is hard to explain" Zelda said with some empathy. "So you had weird flashy colors too, huh? This isn't good."
"I wouldn't say it's bad." Link said, trying to be the optimist. "It doesn't feel evil to me."
"Well thank you Mystic Link. I guess I feel better about this" Zelda voiced sarcastically. She looked around the room for a bit, still sitting on the ground. "Actually Link, you're right. I've always had a sixth sense about these kind of things. I usually turn out to be right too." Zelda chuckled nervously.
After a long pause Link turned around and grabbed something. "This was next you in the crystal... it used to be that pink orb I think." Link turned toward Zelda, presenting her with a thin, but elegant sword, with a small pink jewel mounted in the hilt.
"It was?" questioned Zelda.
Link nodded.
Zelda took it from Link's hands. "Interesting..." Zelda studied the Sword. After another long silence Zelda spoke up again. "Link...let's get out of here. I'm not feeling too well"
Link answered "Okay" hesitantly. He was feeling a little odd himself.
Link picked up the mysterious sword from the stone off the floor, and followed Zelda to the door. However, when Zelda opened the wooden door, the stairs were going down, not up. The pair looked at each other in shock. They had gone down the stairs to this room before. However reluctant, they wanted to get out of this truly odd place, and finally went down the stairs to another wooden door. Again, they opened the door. With great relief, it lead to the old garden.
But it didn't seem so old anymore. In fact, someone had tended to it. Quite a lot in fact. There were metal walls up in place of the old brick walls, and there was no more brick floor. There were Flowers of all kinds instead. Both Link and Zelda were dumbfounded.
"Hello!?" called out a voice. Zelda and Link looked around, but no one was there.
"No you silly Hylains! I'm on one of you!" yelled the voice again. Too fed up with questioning things now, Link and Zelda complied; searching their persons
"No. No. No... Oh wait, that's it!" said the voice. Zelda and Link stopped their hands where they were.
"The girl, the girl. Yes you're the one!" the voice giggled. Zelda pulled out the Ocarina of her pockets, which her hands were on.
"Well Hello there! I guess you'er thinking; 'What in the world is happening?'" the voice said cheerfully.